The years before I think I might have driven a car 4 or 5 times [under supervision though] so this year was really a boost for my confidence as a driver :D
Nowadays I'm in a traffic jam about twice a week [to Utrecht and to Rotterdam] and the most annoying thing I've come across are those Audi, Beamer and Merc drivers. If they're they are that rude at home as they are on the road, I feel sorry for their wives [yes, 95% of those pigs are male]
Driving on the freeway is not difficult at all.I kinda like the speed [120KM/H is still max], but some people just have to pass me with 150KM/H... May they all crash against a tree... Saves the world a lot of trouble and makes the traffic jams decrease, ne?
So freeways are ok, but in the city can be a disaster... pedestrians and bicycles coming from every direction and then there are annoying traffic-lights :S
But as you can see, I still live and so does my little blue car [I won't mention the "Iron Maiden" accident, because none of the people that were there are reading this anyway :D]
I finished playing Resident Evil after one day or so and now I'm trying to get an S-Score on every level while waiting for my WII-Zapper [release december 7th] That scorpion [lobsters look different, you know :P ] will be the least of your worries. Just wait until you get in Part 3 [that is the Resident Evil 3 part]... Ok... Time to be quiet or I'll spoil the game ;)
Mata ne :D