Friday, April 18, 2008


[mood : drinking
last song: Ayumi-sama - Mirrorcle World -> amazing mix :P
last anime: Rosaria + Vampire #11
last J-drama: H2 #10]

7 days have past since my last post and I can add 5 complete J-drama's and 2 anime series to the "seen section"
  • 1 litre of tears 「1 リトル の なみだ」
  • attention please - ROFL
  • hotelier 「ホタリア」
  • h2
  • My Boss My Hero
  • rental magica 「レンタル マギカ」
  • rosario + vampire 「ロザリオ+バンパイア」 - fanservice A+++
and that's for 1 week :O
Ok... I know I have too much free time ;)
And no I don't talk Japanese all day long [although it would be better for my Japanese]
I still try to remember Japanese phrases when I'm talking in myself [yes I talk to myself a lot], but I've stopped talking in Japanese to other people who can't understand it.
Imagine that it's time for coffee and you ask "koohii no jikan desu ka"...
The frowns on people's faces says it all... :S
If someone is willing to talk or write in Japanese to me, I'm totally up for that, but I'm not gonna be bothering other people with anymore :D

My test for Japanese II is next Tuesday 「かようびに テストが あります」
I still want to do an introductionary text in Japanese, but it wouldn't be of any use if nobody here can read it... :$


Friday, April 11, 2008


Let me say sorry for not writing in here all this time [ not that anyone cares, but still to keep up apearances ;) ]
So what have I been doing all this time?
Well as you'd expect, not much :$
Continued my Japanese lessons in Utrecht, continued my Iaido lessons in Rotterdam, lots of anime and finally some more J-DRAMA!
I seem to be pushing myself to cry in some situations...
After seeing like 15 different J-Drama's I came to to conclusion there are 2 things that will probably make me EMO: injustice and sacrifice.
I guess I already had a feeling about those [remember when aragorn tossed gimmly in LoTR2?]
This time it was a J-Drama called ""たいよう の うた" or song of the sun. The story was about a girl with an incurable disease called XP [where the body does not have any defense against UV rays and exposure to the sun is therefore almost deadly]
Just seeing her condition getting worse through the series just got through to me. Of course it's a scenario thats created by some writer, but there are people with this disease in the world. If you have the time, watch it. If you can't find it or don't want to search for it, give me a message. This was one of the better drama's I've seen so far.

I guess getting through to your emo side is good every once in a while...