Friday, March 30, 2007


The Kamelot concert in Zoetermeer was totally sold out and because my guildies were too late to get a ticket, it was just me again with all my invisible friends...

When I arrived, there was actually a loooooong line of people waiting and with a bit of luck I found a spot to park my car and went to stand in line. I have been to this place once before, although it was 3 years ago or so and it was way less crowded than it was now.

First band up was Fairyland. I didn't know them and I was waiting to get in so I only saw 3 of their songs, but it sounded ok [ie gonna download some ;) ]

Next was Leave's Eyes. Ever since Liv Kristine left Theatre of Tragedy, I've been following her progress from time. When they played Elegy I got goosebumps [ I guess that's my (un)conscious liking of a song ]

Kamelot started playing at 22:40 [pretty late for the main act, ne? ]
At that time, it was really getting hot in there because it was still packed with people... Kamelot played some songs from the Fourth Legacy, Karma, Epica, The Black Halo and from the upcoming album "Ghost Opera". They also played some songs that they never played live, so that was kinda cool :)
I don't think they had the duration of the concert perfected yet because it was finished at 0:20 [this was the first show from the new tour :) ]

I must be getting old cause the whole evening I could feel my lower back hurting and my legs were sooooo tired... I was glad to be in my car again so I could sit down and listen to Anna Tsuchiya. Later, when I was driving, I thought I could've listened to the promo single [from Kamelot] that I got when I left the concert, but I'm doing that now, so at least I've listened to it :)

Really tired now and only have 3 hours and 30 minutes to sleep...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I just finished watching Supernatural 2x17 "Heart" and it was the saddest Supernatural episode I've ever seen :(

After all Sam and Dean tried to do for Madison to save her from being a werewolf [ie killing the one that made her into a werewolf] nothing helped and Sam [who had a thing for her] was asked to shoot her while she was human because she didn't want to kill other people in her werewolf-form. I don't think I ever saw Dean cry... And with tears in his eyes, he shot her... [you didn't see it, but you heard the single shot, which probably made more of an impact on me]
What a terrible thing to have to go through...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


It's been a while since my last post and since the whole universe is dying to know what I've been up to [nobody really cares], here goes...

Last weekend I finished watching Stargate SG1 [had season 10, eps 9-20] and now it's actually OVER! I can't believe this crappy ending! OK, very noble of Teal'c to sacrifice himself and become 50 years older [he wasn't human anyway so he gets to be 150 or so] but why did it have to be an open ending?! Yes, the Ori were obviously stopped, but Adria ascended to a higher plane of existance for crying out loud! Doesn't she have enough power now to make some new armies?! I would've liked some more info on that...

For the last couple of days I've been farming Globs of Ectoplasm in Guild Wars. They're one of the most valuable [and "easily farmable"] rare crafting materials which I can just sell for 8-10K each and since I need money to get Angelica her titles, this is a good way :)

The Greenhouse that my parents are rebuilding is nearing completion, so I don't have to help anymore with moving tons of bricks [physical labor is not for me ;) ]

When it is finished, I will finally be able to put my own car in the garage and their caravan will move to the greenhouse :)

I was going through some websites yesterday and I decided to find out if I can start with Iaido soon... I think there will be a demo in April.
AND I read that somewhere in september it will be able to follow a course of Japanese again, so I'm gonna do that too, I think... For now I'm just going through my Japanese book again and try to get as many words in my head as possible

Things @ School are still the same... I still have to find a spot... Now, I probably would find one if I really started searching, but for some reason I still can't put myself to it :(

I really really really have to get off this school [preferably with a graduation]

Sunday, March 4, 2007


My internet has already been fixed [see last post] but for some reason I just got out today and bought this game because I wanted to try it out :)

It's a cool game! short, but cool ;)

You basically control a maze with your Wiimote and you have to let a ball roll in a certain way, collecting crystals as it goes. My arm hurts from all this playing

New Buys:

Friday, March 2, 2007


FINALLY my internet has been fixed!
After a whole day of digging and working those guys finally managed to get a nice new cable into our little house :P

I've been without internet for such a long time that I really don't know what to do first :)
Probably gonna pick up my Guild Wars addiction where I left it [bad habbits die hard ;) ]

I basically have 4 characters now:
- Raptor Warheart [LVL 20 Warrior/Necromancer]
my first character ever made, but playing warrior is pretty boring...
- Aurora Warheart [LVL9 Dervish/Mesmer]
really haven't played this character much, but I intend to sometime...
- Angelica Warheart [LVL20 Assassin/Elementalist] MAIN CHARACTER
I just love assassin! get in, kick ass, get out :D
- Yuki Warheart [LVL 11 Ranger/Ritualist] TEAM CHARACTER
I made this character to quest together with ii-chan [with her Ranger/Ritualist]

I'm gonna download some stuff and then I'm gonna play Guild Wars for a while... YAY!

As for music, I downloaded the Hitomi Takahashi discography and I like it!