Tuesday, March 27, 2007


It's been a while since my last post and since the whole universe is dying to know what I've been up to [nobody really cares], here goes...

Last weekend I finished watching Stargate SG1 [had season 10, eps 9-20] and now it's actually OVER! I can't believe this crappy ending! OK, very noble of Teal'c to sacrifice himself and become 50 years older [he wasn't human anyway so he gets to be 150 or so] but why did it have to be an open ending?! Yes, the Ori were obviously stopped, but Adria ascended to a higher plane of existance for crying out loud! Doesn't she have enough power now to make some new armies?! I would've liked some more info on that...

For the last couple of days I've been farming Globs of Ectoplasm in Guild Wars. They're one of the most valuable [and "easily farmable"] rare crafting materials which I can just sell for 8-10K each and since I need money to get Angelica her titles, this is a good way :)

The Greenhouse that my parents are rebuilding is nearing completion, so I don't have to help anymore with moving tons of bricks [physical labor is not for me ;) ]

When it is finished, I will finally be able to put my own car in the garage and their caravan will move to the greenhouse :)

I was going through some websites yesterday and I decided to find out if I can start with Iaido soon... I think there will be a demo in April.
AND I read that somewhere in september it will be able to follow a course of Japanese again, so I'm gonna do that too, I think... For now I'm just going through my Japanese book again and try to get as many words in my head as possible

Things @ School are still the same... I still have to find a spot... Now, I probably would find one if I really started searching, but for some reason I still can't put myself to it :(

I really really really have to get off this school [preferably with a graduation]

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