Thursday, January 25, 2007

At the Threshold of... Europe 2007

This title refers to the Hammerfall tour [in case you didn't know that]
I had to go ALL ALONE [again] because people didn't want to go or couldn't go [NOT wanting to go to HAMMERFALL is a sin and you will all burn for it :D ]

It also seemed that the weather would be bad [thick fog], so I was kinda doubting if I should go by car or with public transportation... Glad I went with my own car [with Hammerfall coming out of the speakers the whole time :P ] Only downside is that you have to pay a parking ticket, but oh well you can't have all the luck in the world...

Hammerfall had 2 opening acts: The Poodles and Krokus. Although the name "The Poodles" would make you laugh, their music is actually really good [going to download some soon ;) ]
Krokus was a bit of a disappointment. It's not that the music was bad, but it's just the guy singing that really annoys me... If it were up to me, The Poodles should've played on their time ;)
When Hammerfall finally started to play, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time... Happiness! I have no idea how long I've been wanting to see them play live and now it was finally upon me [too bad there was nobody to share in my happiness]
They gave away a FANTASTIC show and had some fireworks [which at the end burned some of the ceiling ;) ]

Hopefully Kamelot will have a great show as well :)

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