Saturday, January 27, 2007

It's on!

Well here I am again, sitting in my room on a typical saturday night. I've had a couple of beers, but I'm not drunk :)
Anyway I'm gonna try and get a green light for my graduation project on monday, so I'll have to finish up some work for that tomorrow [or today, whatever you prefer]
I hope that stinking teacher finally will agree to let me do this project cause I want off this school!
I'm just getting more and more demotivated and I can't seem to be getting out of this spiral...
I just want to finish school and start earning a normal salary [so I can visit more concerts <3 ]
Well I'd like to visit more concerts this year [alone or with other people], but I guess that after 24 years of living with my parents, my time to find a place of my own will have to come sooner or later.
I'm not planning to be with my parents till I'm 30, so whenever I'd find a reasonable job and will have the means of renting an appartment, I guess I'll have to take a chance...
Nothing else to tell really except that I visited my best friend today and he has an injured knee. I wasn't visiting him because of that, but you know you have to spend some time with your social contacts from time to time ;)
It's kind of sad for him, because he wanted to train hard to become part of the national team and this was one of his last chances [him being 23 years old] to get there... Now he'll have to rest for at least a couple of months until his knee gets a bit better... Poor him...

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