Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hobbies vs Passions vs Addictions

I've been thinking about this for some time now...

Everyone is used filling these things in when you have one [or more] profile pages, but what is the difference between those 3, really?
I guess hobbies are things that you like to do, but can live without if needed.
Passions are things that you are into with all your heart and it would hurt [mentally] you'd have to stop doing those things... And... most addictions [except for drugs etc] are also mentally, aren't they?

When I think about it, I have 4 major addictions/passions at the moment:
1) Music [a life without music would be... quiet and even more boring]
2) Anime [the addiction comes and goes, but has been there for some years now]
3) Gaming [same thing as for anime I guess]
4) Drama [newly found and very VERY addictive indeed]

So... are these things a passion of mine or are they addictions?

To anyone reading this, please comment on this :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading this... it seems to me that you have a compulsive need for these things, so it obviously is an addiction. ^_^

What do you think yourself? :)