Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hobbies vs Passions vs Addictions (2)

Since somebody actually read the previous post with this title and wrote a comment with a question in it, I guess I have to answer :D

I searched wiki for a definition of addiction:
"An addiction is a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences to the individual's health, mental state or social life."


So knowing this, are my "addictions" harmfull for my health?
- the things you watch are probably bad for your eyes and music probably bad for my ears [all long term]
Mental state?
- I'd go mad with boredom is the power should be off more than 1 day :O
- Maybe I'd start reading or start zazen [which I have to do for Iaido anyway]...
- OH! Iaido [ -> katana ] practice outside [only in summer though, cause now it's to freaking cold for my shinigami outfit]

Social life?
- You mean I'd actually have one if I'd stop doing all those things?! :O
- Write that one down for my new years wish 2008

I'm gonna write my Sonata Arctica review tomorrow, cause right now the red bull effect is sooo gone...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well. Maybe they are not as harmful as, let's say, drugs obviously. ^_^

But. If I read this correctly, it kind of harms your social life?

You put so much attention in all these things, which is not necessarily bad - but you have to give your social life also a little bit of TLC. ;) [or if you don't have one, invest some time in building one, or catch up on old friends or acquaintances?] [I say ANIME MARATHON!!!!!!! with friends/family :) ]

Life is all about balance.