Monday, November 26, 2007

Hobbies vs Passions vs Addictions (3)

Ok... this will be the last post with this subject for a while because I don't know what to write about it anymore...

Putting all this time in my addictions is the only way ATM for me to feel happy I guess. Maybe not happy, but content. I think I made a wrong decision somewhere along the way to end up here and I can't seem to get out of it [or I don't see a need to it, because I'm doing all those things to get my mind off it]
It's not that doing all these things is hurting my social life, cause it's more like filling up a space where there could be a social life [or used to be like 5 years ago]

It's not like I live completely isolated [although I do think I could live as a hermit as long as I have an active internet connection :O ]
I sometimes miss the days where I would do stuff in the weekends and just have fun with others, but there's so much I wanna see now, that it doesn't really bother me.
Enough pessimistic thoughts already... Next subject!

About that anime marathon. I have been wanting to have an anime marathon with someone but she lives near Groningen nowadays and that's a looooooong drive :S

So if anybody else wants to volunteer just comment with a place and an anime :P


Anonymous said...

Wow... ok. I wonder what kind of decisions did you make, five years ago... to get to this state. (you make readers curious!) But you are content, so I guess there are no real problems, right. :)

But all right. Since this is your last post about this subject... I guess we never know. ;)

PS: If you have a car, just go for it. Don't let distance get in your way. Life is short already. :)

Anonymous said...

We have to do an Anime marathon some time! I still have a "OV-jaarkaart" so I can travel for free (except on Holidays or Saturday/Sunday) ;)