Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Some things

Today we met our new teacher for Japanese 2. He will be taking over because Kibuchi-san would have had 4 classes next term and that was a bit too much for her I guess. [so WE were sacrificed :O ]
Anyway, Japanese is going fine at the moment [good thing that SOME things ARE going fine, ne]

I seem to have [at least] one curious reader [!] and I just wanted to say that I have no problem explaining my story, but it would be a bit much to put it on here. I also said that the hobbies post was the last one for a while [until I have more stuff to write about that]. And yes I DO have a car [kuruma ga motte imasu! -> sorry just came back from Japanese course]. It's a blue Suzuki Swift with a cute Naruto doll inside :P

Something else I want to mention is a movie called Suicide Circle. I recently gave that movie to a friend of mine and he found it disgusting. Sure it is a bit gory, but I remember I was in a half-shock-state all morning [gory movies first thing in the morning is a no-go] and really made me think... Unfortunately I can't say anything about it, cause that would spoil the movie. If somebody decides to watch it, I wanna have a chat with them [and if they can't find the movie I'll share mine]

That is all... おやすみ なさい [oyasumi nasai -> good night]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey that's fun. I am also interested in Asian languages. But I can't find the time (or institution nearby, or language buddies, or money, etc.) to learn. Which is a sad thing but there ya go. If I had a blog, and this would be my entry, I'd call it "sad things".

I bet you have more readers, I am just one of those scary ones who likes talking a lot.